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Maintaining Cleanliness in the Midst of Gardening Challenges

As a Gardner, one must work and play in the dirt. After a while, expect to get dirty and sweaty. Now this poses a problem because I am semi-germophobic. I need my hands and face always clean. So, when I sit and take break, I am looking for a rag or tissue to clean my hands, nose, or total face. I kept using my sleeves and shirts which made it worse as for sanitizing and appearance.

This made me think of a solution to work without taking a break, to clean up. I spoke with a business partner Jamie Edwards, who’s no stranger to my business venture ideas. We consulted about a compact container that would house certain sanitary items and he delivered.

Collaborative Innovation

We worked together to perfect the now Essential Shield. After the base concept had been agreed up, we showcased the casing to Ladonna Roberts, who pitched the idea of using sanitizing wipes instead of tissue. We built upon the idea of a compact sanitation station and with Covid 19, we wanted to be able for end users to store necessities like mask, vinyl or latex gloves, personal sanitizer and other small but essential items.

Maintaining Cleanliness in the Midst of Gardening Challenges

We’ve personally searched the domestically for the highest quality ethically sourced manufactures. Visiting the plants that will be producing our packaging to ensure they are within our production and ethical standards..

We want to deliver useable but safe products that you find essential for your everyday use. Y’ Essential provides you with a product that comes with the assurance of safety and effectiveness. Mission

To give families and communities a peace of mind through a practice of prevention and protection by sanitizing hands and items we provide safe and affordable products.*

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